(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg (Near Pusa),New Delhi – 110 012.
Indian citizens Applications are invited for filling up the following positions at NPL, New Delhi,
The NPL, a premier institution in the family of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), is devoted to R&D activities in the following areas.
1. Assistant Executive Engineer – (Civil) Gr.III(4) – 01 (One) -(Unreserved) 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering with 06 years experience OR 1st Class Diploma in Civil Engineering of three years full time duration with 09 years experience in Pre & Post contract management of large multistoreyed buildings, commercial, residential & institutional buildings and large townships including services works. Desirable : Candidate should be able to use software/computer forcontract management Job Requirement : The incumbent will be required to prepare estimates, tender documents, supervise execution of works, prepare bills and handle maintenance of existing buildings & services. Preference will be given to those who are having experience of similar works in departments like CPWD/other Public Sector Organisations
2. Technical Staff Gr.III(1) – 04 (Four) – (UR-2, OBC-1 & ST-1) 1st Class B.Sc. (Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics)
3. Technical Staff Gr.III(1) – 03 (Three) – (UR-2 & SC-1) 1st Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of 3 years fulltime duration or its equivalent in the relevant area
4. Technical Staff Gr.III(1) – 01 (One) – (UR) 1st Class Diploma in Electrical Engineering of 3 years fulltime duration or its equivalent in the relevant area
5. Technical Staff Gr.III(1) – 07 (Seven) – (UR-2, SC-2 & OBC-3) 1st Class Diploma in Electronics Engineering/Instrumentation of 3 years fulltime duration or its equivalent in the relevant area
6. Hindi Officer –01 ( – Unreserved Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in Hindi with English as subject at the degree level. OR Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in English with Hindi as subject at the degree level. OR Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as subjects at the degree level. OR Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in any subject with Hindi Medium and English as a subject at the degree level. OR Master’s Degree of a recognized university or equivalent in any subject with English Medium and Hindi as a subject at the degree level. Experience : 05 years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English or vice-versa, preferably of technical or scientific literature OR 05 years experience of teaching, research, writing or journalism in Hindi Desirable : Knowledge of Sanskrit and/or modern Indian language, Administrative experience, experience of organizing Hindi classes or Workshops for noting and drafting
7. Security Assistant – 01 (- Unreserved Junior Commissioned Officer in Army or other Paramilitary Forces with 05 years experience in organizing and supervising security arrangements. Preferably, trained in fire fighting equipments. Knowledge of local language, English & Hindi desirable 28 years (Relaxation in age limit for Ex. Servicemen will be as per Govt. of India Rules).
How to Apply and Fees
Application form should be downloaded from NPL website Completed application(s) in all respects, supported by attested copies of certificates of educational qualifications, experience, etc ..
Then together with an application fee (if applicable) of Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) in the form of crossed Demand Draft valid for at least 6 months in favour of Director, National Physical Laboratory payable at New Delhi is to be sent in an envelope superscribing Application for the post (post applied for with Postal code) to the Controller of Administration, National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K S Krishnan Marg,New Delhi –110012, so as to reach on or before 30.04.2010.
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